June is National Safety Month, a topic that is a top priority at LIFT (not only are we #avgeeks, we’re #safetygeeks, too). It stems from our parent company, Republic Airways, where for over 40 years, safety has been the most important part of Republic’s legacy.
At LIFT, every decision we make revolves around safety. A key element of training our pilots to the highest safety standards are our advanced flight simulators produced by Diamond Aircraft Industries. They provide the most realistic cockpit simulation environment, so when students fly in our DA40 single-engine and DA42 twin-engine aircraft, they feel right at home because the simulators are built “one-to-one” with the aircraft.
Our simulators feature 180-degree wraparound visual displays, a full cockpit with working canopy, accurate control loading and the ability to master complicated maneuvers as well as simulate many types of emergencies and environmental phenomena that would be unsafe in the aircraft.
Not only does this technology allow our students to learn airline safety procedures in a safe environment, it’s another way LIFT pilots have an advantage as they train to be Republic Ready. Our regular and open dialogue with our partners at Republic ensures that we are always doing everything possible to best prepare our students for their future as airline pilots. This close working relationship is something that is unique to LIFT and sets our pilots up to be successful in their careers with safety as their top priority.
If you’d like to see our simulators, schedule a tour! We’d love to show you in person.