Jack Coon, a LIFT Academy graduate, has reached a milestone so many students and instructors are eager to achieve—becoming a Republic Airways First Officer. He is now based out of his hometown of Indianapolis, IN. After graduating college with a Landscape Architecture degree, Jack decided to make a career change and pursue something he was always passionate about, and today he couldn’t be happier with that decision.
Jack considers his decision to make a career change the best decision he’s ever made. “I’ve always been fascinated with airplanes, ever since my dad took me to an air show when I was growing up. That experience really sparked my interest in aviation, and it is something I’ve been passionate about ever since.”
LIFT was the obvious choice for Jack to start his journey, being close to home and allowing him to stay focused on his studies while a student. “I had also heard a lot of positive things about Republic Airways, especially regarding the company’s strong community initiatives. It was the perfect place to begin my aviation career and grow within a supportive and impactful organization.”
Among many great memories at LIFT, one that stands out was getting to take his mom, dad and family on Discovery Flights. “They were finally able to see what I had been working so hard for.” He also had the opportunity to participate in the RJet Ready program, a program designed to support those transitioning to Republic Airways, especially LIFT graduates, through advanced qualification training at Republic’s Aviation Campus Training Center in Carmel, IN. “The RJet Ready program was crucial in preparing me for my training at Republic after meeting my minimum hour requirements.” I was able to experience firsthand what it takes to learn, study and perform at the highest level, alongside some of the best pilots in the industry.”
Now, having made his dream a reality, Jack finds great reward in seeing the work, time and effort pay off. His journey to First Officer included more than just the necessary steps to get to where he wanted to be. He found personal gratification in being a Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) at LIFT after obtaining all ratings and graduating from the program. “I really enjoyed teaching and watching students’ progress through their ratings. Ultimately, what I’ll take away from my time at LIFT are the connections I’ve made, both with fellow pilots and students, and the sense of fulfillment in seeing others succeed.” He looks forward to doing the same at Republic.
When asked what advice he would share with aspiring aviators, he emphasized the importance of mindset: “Enjoy the journey. Training can be tough, and exhausting, with plenty of ups and downs, but remember that everything you experience is part of your path to your end goal. Trust in yourself, stay focused, and take deep breaths. Keep in mind how amazing it is to be learning to fly an airplane- something not everyone gets to do. Don’t compare your progress to others; everyone will progress differently. Cherish each moment and stay present in the process.”
Apply to LIFT and start your journey to the skies. Your future career is waiting!