Colton Tribby grew up in an aviation family – but that doesn’t mean that aviation, or being a pilot, was something he always dreamed of pursuing. Colton’s dad works in aviation, as a pilot for a private aircraft company, and after a bit of urging from his father to take a discovery flight, Colton decided to give it a try. Once he did, he decided to pursue aviation and hasn’t looked back since.
Favorite overnight city? New York City
Dream airport to fly into? Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France
Favorite plane flown? Embraer 175 or the Diamond DA-42
Dream airplane to fly? The next supersonic aircraft
Hardest rating to achieve? Instrument Rating
Favorite airport meal? LaGuardia’s Tony + Benny’s Breakfast Bowl (Hands down Corsair Cafe’s (at the Terre Haute Regional Airport) breakfast burrito if were talking about my time at LIFT)
Role model? My Dad!
Q: What made you want to be a pilot/what drew you to aviation?
Colton Tribby: I was around aviation a lot as a kid, but it never interested me. I went to college and really didn’t enjoy what I was doing. After taking a discovery flight, following my dad’s suggestion to get my private pilot’s license, I decided to leave college and pursue aviation.
Q: When were you a student at LIFT?
Colton: I was a student from February 2019 to February 2020.
Q: What was your experience like as a student? Instructor?
Colton: My experience at LIFT was great, my training was a lot of fun, I worked hard and I progressed quickly. Instructing had some long days, but in the end, it got me to where I am today and was worth it.
Q: What made you excited to go to Republic to fly?
Colton: The opportunity to fly a jet all over the country!
Q: What was training at Republic like?
Colton: Training was very fun and enjoyable, I felt supported and that I had the resources I needed to be successful throughout. I really had great classmates that I still keep in touch with.
Q: How did your education at LIFT prepare you for the airlines?
Colton: LIFT really prepared us for the flows and fast-paced training of the airlines.
Q: Did you feel like you had an advantage compared to others in your class because of your training at LIFT Academy?
Colton: Definitely. From day one of training at Republic, I noticed that many of the same terms are used. I already knew how to navigate Standard Operating Procedures and Flight Operation Manuals and the concepts of Normal Operations checklists and the use of Quick Reference Handbooks and Quick Reference Cards.
Q: What tools did you rely on the most during your training at Republic?
Colton: My classmates and instructors. Having classmates to practice procedures and callouts with was a huge help for me. Also instructors were always there to answer any questions and support us in our training.
Q: What is it like to be a commercial airline pilot?
Colton: Everything I dreamed it would be. Every flight is something new and I get to fly passengers in a jet across the country and get paid to do it!
Q: What do you have to look forward to in your career as a pilot?
Colton: The opportunity to gain new knowledge and be the best pilot I can be.