Flight training is expensive and seems hard to get started. But the mission of LIFT Academy since we opened in 2018 is to make flight training more affordable and available to all. Students fund their training using several different resources or outlets: loans, savings, part-time or full-time work and scholarships.
Scholarships can seem difficult to obtain and confusing on how they can be applied when you first begin to search for them – we get it! But we are hoping that this information, that we plan to update periodically, will help make finding scholarships easy and within your reach! Check out a list of several scholarships that are available now (as of January 26, 2021), helpful websites that often list scholarships available and tips for searching for other scholarships!
AOPA High School Flight Training Scholarship
Organization: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Amount: $10,000 Deadline: February 14, 2021 Eligibility/Details:
Website: https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/students/flight-training-scholarships |
2021 Sisters of the Skies Scholarship
Organization: Sisters of the Skies Amount: Cost of flight training Deadline: February 15, 2021 Eligibility/Details:
The LeRoy W. Homer Jr. Foundation Flight Training Scholarship Program
Organization: Leroy Homer Foundation Deadline: January 31, 2020 Eligibility/Details:
Website: https://leroywhomerjr.org/scholarships/application/ |
The Third Annual Richard Collins Writing Prize for Young Pilots
Organization: Sporty’s and the Richard Collins family Amount: $2,500 Deadline: March 4, 2021 Eligibility/Details:
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) : https://www.aopa.org/training-and-safety/students/flight-training-scholarships
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA): https://www.eaa.org/eaa/learn-to-fly/Scholarships
Ninety-Nines: https://www.ninety-nines.org/scholarships.htm
National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA): https://www.ngpa.org/about_scholarships#pages
Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals: https://obap.org/outreach-programs/scholarships/
University Aviation Association: https://www.uaa.aero/scholarships.php
Women in Aviation: https://www.wai.org/education/scholarships
It is no secret that flight training can be expensive. A great way to help subside some of cost of flight training is with scholarships. You may be wondering- how do I find these scholarships?
Start Early and Stay Organized
When looking for scholarships it is important to keep in mind that most will have deadlines. Starting your search early can help assure that you don’t miss out on any application cycles for scholarships that you may qualify for. You can even try keeping a list of the ones you are interested in so that you don’t miss any deadlines.
Know What You’re Looking For
If you are looking for scholarships to apply to your LIFT tuition, keep in mind that LIFT is not a college or university. Try looking for flight training scholarships or scholarships that may be used for non-college trade programs. There are even certain scholarships to help fund individual ratings. If you decide to do the Vincennes University and LIFT Academy partnership program, you can also apply to scholarships that can be used for a two-year degree program.
Search Online/Do Your Research
The internet is a great place to start when looking for scholarships. Try being specific in your search and research different companies and organizations that may offer scholarships. Check out the websites we have included in this article.
Talk to a School Counselor
If you are in high school, try talking to a counselor see if he or she know of any scholarships that would apply to a program like LIFT.
Search Locally
It is important to also search close to home when looking for scholarships. Larger, national scholarships can be great to apply to, but don’t stop your search there. Local organization, non-profits, and community groups